Hi there! 👋

Hi there! 👋

I am Pau, the one with the beard 🧔🏻, the little one is my son Kai

I am a mathematician who loves learning new things and solving problems. And this whole new world is full of them.

But what is learning without sharing? To me, not much 😊. Hence, datamachines

For the last 4 years, I’ve been working as a freelancer on different Machine Learning projects, and the journey’s been inspiring.

So, I decided to start with a course on Reinforcement Learning, and so far I have an impression it’s doing well.

The idea is to share what I’ve learned and give value to the community.

So, thank you guys for following, it makes me very happy.

Stick around and get in touch, I am always up for new ideas and problems.


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Medium member since January 2022
Connect with Pau Labarta Bajo
Pau Labarta Bajo

Pau Labarta Bajo

I help you become a better data scientist ❤️ || Author of the Hands-on Reinforcement Learning course 🚀 || 👉🏽 https://datamachines.xyz/subscribe